Phone FAQs

What are the star codes for my phone service?

*98 to access your voicemail

*72 Call forward your phone line to another number. Wait for the system to prompt you for the number you want to forward to. The system will reply with the number for confirmation.

*73 Disable call forwarding

*81 Block your caller ID name and number on all calls

*82 Unblock your caller ID name and number on all calls

*67 Block your caller ID name and number for a single call. The system will give you a stutter tone, then dial the number you are calling.

*94 Change the number of rings before your voicemail picks up. System will give you a stutter tone, then dial the number of rings you wish (1-9)

*69 Call return

*77 Anonymous call block. This will block all calls to your phone line that do not have caller ID name and number

*87 Cancel anonymous call block.

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